Post-Polio Group Meets At Stevenson House
Approximately 12 to 15 Post-Polio sufferers meet at Stevenson House each second Saturday of the month for a support / discussion meeting of approximately two hours. The meetings are fun, informative and inspiring. I would encourage anyone who has had Polio to visit our group to meet some delightful people. Here are a couple of quotes from our group members:
“Our Polio Survivor Group keeps our focus upon day-to-day current issues and concerns. When one of us voices a problem and solution to a post polio problem, it can quickly turn into a solution for a fellow survivor. Can’t beat that!”
“My experience with the support group has been nothing but positive. I always walk away learning something. The one thing I learned was Fatigue seemed to be the common denominator for most of those attending. I found that very interesting.”
For more information on the Post-Polio support group please call Executive Director Tom Pamilla at(650) 494-1944 ext.12.